UKCA - UK Conformity Assessment - Product Marking
There’s a new product marking requirement on the horizon, which is a result of Brexit & is intended to replace the familiar CE mark for some markets. UKCA is the product marking system which will replace CE marking for England, Wales and Scotland. This will be introduced after the end of the EU Exit Implementation Period.
Technical Requirements
The technical requirements for UKCA marking are expected to match those of the CE marking scheme. However, products which currently comply with CE Conformity assessment procedures will need to have their files updated to demonstrate compliance with the UK statutory Instruments. These are the UK laws that are implemented for each of the European Directives
Manufacturers are permitted to apply the UKCA mark to relevant products immediately but in most cases are not required to so until 1st January 2022 (although this deadline may be extended).
In the meantime CE marking will be accepted in the UK as demonstrating relevant compliance.
Electrium Products
Within Electrium we are introducing UKCA mark to the products and to the packaging for items that are within the scope of this legislation. The activity is in progress and many products now carry the UKCA mark alongside the CE mark. We will not be removing the CE mark from any products. Effectively this means that the UKCA mark will be introduced on a rolling basis. All new production will be marked in line within the timescale requirements.
GB Customers
Because product that is already ‘in the market’ does not require retrospective marking customers will see a mixed use of CE & UKCA marking during the changeover period, and depending upon the various consumption rates of stocks, customers will see products carrying either or both marks.
Future of the CE Mark
However, the CE mark will not disappear altogether, for manufacturers this requirement remains in place for goods sold to EU countries, alongside similar schemes for selling goods to other countries around the world for example certain wiring accessory products sold into the Middle East will carry the G Mark symbol as required by the GSO. This will be in addition to both UKCA & CE markings.
Further Information can be found here.