Consolidating Office Space & Healthier Work Life Balance
Consolidating Office Space & Healthier Work Life Balance
Hybrid working, remote working, hot desking, online meetings, reduced travel, each one will play a part in the sustainable business journey for Electrium.
Before the Covid pandemic remote working was an option that few employees had taken up, but post pandemic the situation changed. We discovered that hybrid roles could bring a healthier work / life balance for staff without disadvantages to the business. We realised that some remote working arrangements suited our business structure. We discovered that the habit of travelling for meetings wasn’t always necessary.
No surprise then that within Electrium the hybrid working model is now standard for all appropriate roles. Online meetings are now the norm. Consequently travel between sites for project meetings is substantially reduced. Most office staff work remotely 3 days per week and have significantly reduced their daily commutes.
While the overall needs of the business haven’t changed its infrastructure can be adjusted to accommodate the new working practices. We can reduce administration space and still provide the necessary office accommodation. We can consolidate production activities and eradicate inter-site transfer shipments of components & finished goods to lower overall fuel/energy consumption at the same time. This creates a more sustainable business activity.
With a balanced approach we can continue to service our customers whilst significantly reducing any impacts upon the environment.
Find out more at www.electrium.co.uk/about/news